Saturday, April 26, 2014

Too many quilts?

In about an hour I am due at a baby shower…procrastinator that I am, my little quilty gift is in the dryer along with the first quilt I ever made.  I don't know why I didn't handle this washing business sooner, but therein lies the mystery of procrastination.

Anyhoo, so the other day my friend invites me up to see the nursery…and what do I see there but two other baby quilts!!!  Which brings me to the title of this post: is there ever such a thing as too many quilts?  My thoughts--start 'em young!  The beautiful thing about it is how all three quilts are so very different.  All made with love.

Moving on, it may seem as if all I do is stack fabric and doodle around making nothing.  Many days that is the case, but I do actually make stuff, I swear!  Here are some updates on where my fabric stacking has led me.

my spin on the Moda Bakeshop Lovely Lattices pattern

my multiscrappi approach to Joelle Hoverson's log cabin quilt

the most important project: pet me NOW!!!

Annie Bananie

Monday, April 21, 2014


I've been a tinkering…

My fabric has been looking at me…and I have been cutting into lots and lots of it, getting ready to start some new projects.  Wanted to share my fabric inspiration.

Here are some yummies:

a variety of upcoming projects
still cutting strips from this fabric pull
one of my helpers assessing the aforementioned fabric pull

something involving this and briar rose shall soon happen...

tequila sunrise anybody?

a time consuming pinwheel project on hold until i get better at pinwheels!

Hope everyone is off to a good week!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Make it work!

Every now and again I get a bug up my arse to purge and organize when my creative mojo is threatened by the clutter of life.  That being said I took a mid-quilt hiatus to reorganize my "studio" as it were.  This endeavor involved a bit of what I like to call "unfortunate husband duties" where my hunny is summoned to help me make it work.  This time it involved repurposing an item--a large solid wood shelf that was handmade by the previous owners of our home and formerly employed holding paint cans and gardening supplies in the garage.  It's a little bowed, but no matter as it was soon to go into retirement as a mostly fabric holding shelf.

Typically when I go through these phases, hunny and I will attempt to make use of something already lying around the house (there is a LOT of stuff lying around!), so this shelf was his idea in response to my frazzled text about the world ending, etc.  He spent a whole afternoon and many beers sanding every surface of it, which cleaned it up real nice!  I decided not to varnish or seal (lazy) and instead just wiped it down with a solution of water, lemon, baking soda and my favorite essential oil and let it dry in the sun.  This is my favorite treatment for old wooden things.

So I finished my quilt top and used my new machine for the first time today.  The week of purge/clean/organize was well worth it.






i love my little sidecar!  keeps all my junk tidy (: